Govenors changeover dinner 14 September

It was a fabulous evening for zontians to get together for the Governors Dinner, where the changeover was from Past Governor Phillippa 2022-2024 to Governor Jen 2024-2026; hosted by the Zonta Club of Wellington on behalf of the District. Governor Phillippa Jacobs-Lory gave her message of thanks and highlights of her Biennium.

Past D16 Governor Phillippa Jacobs Lory and Current District 16 Governor Jen McKinlay-Birkin.

 2024-2026 District 16 Board  Area2 Director Dr Nicola Schreurs, Area1 Director Irene McPherson, Area 3 Director Marie Kyle-Stevenson, Lt Governor Sarah Barclay, Governor Jen McKinlay-Birkin, Area5 Director Carla Werder, Treasurer Judith Russell
Apologies: Secretary Sue Hope.

District 16 Zontians working at international level – International Director Phillippa Jacobs-Lowry, International Secretary-Treasurer Souella Cumming, International Advocacy Committee Chair Helen Bowie, Zonta Foundation for Women Development Committee Chair Desirae Kirby.

Presentation of our Women of the Biennium 2022-2024, Lady Tureiti Moxon for her outstanding work in Health in our Maori community. Wonderful to hear her speak. 

Phillippa Elliott, Deborah Platt, Leanne Lovell, Phillippa Jacobs-Lory, Anna Arps, and Marie Kyle-Stevenson